Many organisations have found our facilities convenient and well equipped and we seek to continually improve them.
Among those regularly using the Village Hall are:
Alderholt Art Club – Meet at 2.00 pm for two hours every Tuesday. Beginners welcome to join the class. Contact Ginny Whiting on 07799 528148
Alderholt Village Market & Café – Held on the third Saturday of each month (see calendar for dates). Call in at the Hall between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm for locally produced crafts, foods, plants and gift stalls. Refreshments available. Table bookings from the market manager on 07709 933652 or by email on
Alderholt Dramatic & Musical Club – Always keen to welcome new members its main event is the performance of a pantomime in February each year. Watch out for the notice of auditions. Contact Frank Sims 01425 655763.
Alderholt Parish Council – use the Committee Room as their office and the main hall for an annual open meeting. The Office Telephone Hours are 9.00 am -1.00 pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and the Office is open to the Public from 10am to 12 noon on Mondays only (excluding bank holidays.)
Contact the clerk on 01425 657587. OR Email:-
Alderholt Short Mat Bowls Club– We are looking for new members to enjoy a friendly game of indoor bowls on Monday and Friday afternoons from 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm. We would love to see you. Contact Gina Logan on 01425 656839 or come along to the hall any Monday or Friday afternoon.
Ladies Badminton – Gentle exercise, we play for fun on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm All ladies welcome. Contact Diane Woodard on 01425 657962.
All Hall users should ensure the availability of a mobile phone for emergency use.
There is no public phone in the Hall.